

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jeans-to-Shorts Toooootorial! (Bleached/tie-dye shorts, that is!)

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I came across this tutorial a la Pinterest and thought it looked too easy not to tried! And I am pretty happy with how it turned out! Yay! :D

1. So grab ye some jeans! Or some shorts...they can be any color, but the darker, the better! I bet khaki would look cool, but I haven't tried that yet. I had these jeans, and my stubby legs did weird things in them cause they were too long and and and its a long story. I don't like jeans. ANYWAY.

2. OFF WITH YER LEGS. I like to cut mine long so I have lots of room to mess up. Baha.

3. Grab a handful of rubber bands and tie up your shorts like you would a regular tie dye t shirt. 

4. Completely forget to take pictures of this ste- oh wait. Thatttt's just me. I'm sorry about that, girls and dudes, but I, once again, forget to photographically evidence this next step.

5. Acquire a plastic tub, and fill it with 1 part water and 1 part bleach. You'll want to put enough in there to completely cover your pants-wad.

6. Let it soak until its the color lightiness you want, and fish that sucker out! I left mine for about 30 minutes because I wanted SUPREME WHITENESS.

7. Now you can just leave them cut-offs, but I don't like cut-offs on me, so I hemmed mine. OPTIONAL. Totally optional :)

8. Go take awkward self-portraits of your pants in the driveway with your tripod!

Yeahhhh. LikeIsaid. AWKS. TOTZ AWKS.


  1. Those shorts turned out really pretty! I love how stark white they became. :)

    1. Thank you! me too! I like white pants, but not without a little color to break them up a little ^.^
