

Monday, October 29, 2012

How To Resize Your (elastic) Belts! (Temporarily OR Permanently!)

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase those items through my links I earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. Plus, when you order through my link, it helps me stumble along in this bloggy blog world! I appreciate your support! My husband who has to put up with my craft supply obsession does too :D All opinions expressed are my own, and I am not sponsored by any product manufacturer unless otherwise stated :)


I'm sure all of us have at least one or ten of these kinds of belts. You know, the ones that are stretchy and mostly made out of really wide elastic?

(Please let me apologize in advance for the picture quality, I did this on the fly and thought it'd be a fabulous idea to just use my cellphone for picture documentation -.-)

 I love them and have amassed a collection over the past few years. I mostly prefer to wear them around my rib cage, as opposed to my hips, because I wear a bunch of high-waisted skirts. Sometimes, however, after wearing them for a while, they tend to get a bit stretched out and don't stay up the way you like. Or, you might see one of these belts and REALLY love it, but its too big! I SAY, BUY IT ANYWAY. If its too big, its a snap to make it fit you just right!

This particular belt I have had since high school. It still fits, but I had to poke another hole it in, and thusly there is a big tail of extra belt left over. Say 'no' to big extra tails!! They can make the belt look off centered (horrors!) and, in my case, I'm constantly thwacking it with my elbow or arm. So WHAT is a girl to do??

There are 2 ways to do this! If you want to re-size the belt permanently, you can, but if you aren't comfortable  with that or just don't want to have your belt a permanent size, you can do the temporary fix also! I do both, and will explain both here :) They are equally easy!

Option #1: Temporary Re-size

For this, you will need to find a few safety pins.

AWESOME. So first, you are going to want to center your belt buckle on the belt, so you don't have a big tail hanging off to one side, like so.

Next, with the belt still fastened, you are going to want to 'pinch' the excess belt so it fits your waist better, like so:

Grab some sturdy safety pins and pin where you pinched!

Turn the belt inside out, and voila! 

Option #2: Permanent Re-size

For this method, you will repeat all of the above steps, except instead of pinning where you pinched, you will sew a straight stitch line. Make sure your belt is inside out before sewing!

See the line? :D

And there you have it! Super fast and almost totally free! And most huge tail hanging off!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Jeans-to-Shorts Toooootorial! (Bleached/tie-dye shorts, that is!)

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase those items through my links I earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. Plus, when you order through my link, it helps me stumble along in this bloggy blog world! I appreciate your support! My husband who has to put up with my craft supply obsession does too :D All opinions expressed are my own, and I am not sponsored by any product manufacturer unless otherwise stated :)


I came across this tutorial a la Pinterest and thought it looked too easy not to tried! And I am pretty happy with how it turned out! Yay! :D

1. So grab ye some jeans! Or some shorts...they can be any color, but the darker, the better! I bet khaki would look cool, but I haven't tried that yet. I had these jeans, and my stubby legs did weird things in them cause they were too long and and and its a long story. I don't like jeans. ANYWAY.

2. OFF WITH YER LEGS. I like to cut mine long so I have lots of room to mess up. Baha.

3. Grab a handful of rubber bands and tie up your shorts like you would a regular tie dye t shirt. 

4. Completely forget to take pictures of this ste- oh wait. Thatttt's just me. I'm sorry about that, girls and dudes, but I, once again, forget to photographically evidence this next step.

5. Acquire a plastic tub, and fill it with 1 part water and 1 part bleach. You'll want to put enough in there to completely cover your pants-wad.

6. Let it soak until its the color lightiness you want, and fish that sucker out! I left mine for about 30 minutes because I wanted SUPREME WHITENESS.

7. Now you can just leave them cut-offs, but I don't like cut-offs on me, so I hemmed mine. OPTIONAL. Totally optional :)

8. Go take awkward self-portraits of your pants in the driveway with your tripod!

Yeahhhh. LikeIsaid. AWKS. TOTZ AWKS.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Prettiful Paper Protector Picture Pockets!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase those items through my links I earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. Plus, when you order through my link, it helps me stumble along in this bloggy blog world! I appreciate your support! My husband who has to put up with my craft supply obsession does too :D All opinions expressed are my own, and I am not sponsored by any product manufacturer unless otherwise stated :)


Alliteration are awesome! Baha okaynowanyway! This is going to be a shortsie post, but I found this project on Pinterest....SOMEWHERE...and loved the idea and it was so EASY. When I make some more I will post a tutorial for you guys, because, likeIsaid, EASY. 

So the most handsome man on the plan-, I mean, my fiance, (who shall henceforth be referred to as 'The Fabulous Mr. S') just went through Navy Basic Training, and while he was gone, I wrote him a letter for every day he was there. And, (as much for me as for him) with every day he was gone, I would take a picture of the number of days he had left and send it to him. It gave me a challenge and it helped the days go by :) I didn't want to just throw the pictures away, so I decided to save them in my Large Purple Notebook Of Mr. S's Things :)

When I post the tutorial, I will take better pictures. basically, all you do is sew vertical channels in a regular ol' sheet protector, put your papers/pictures/flowers/whatevers in and then sew them in nice and snug with horizontal channels! The possibilities for these are ENDLESS, and I am hoping to do some more in the very near future. I'll share with you guys, of course, because ya'll are fabulous :)

Also, this can be good if scrapbooking isn't your speed, but you still want to preserve your memories in a easily accessible (and still cute, in my opinion!) way.


A Slightly More Personal Post...

Hello, fabulous people! I am sorry for my absence, I had been planning a very special that involved my wonderful fiance graduating from Navy Basic Training! Now I know what you're thinking, 'THIS IS NOT CRAFT RELATED!' It is going to tie in, eventually, I promise, but some trip pictures first! :D

Naval Station Great Lakes, Chicago, IL

Fiance's division!

After graduation. Best. Moment. Of. My. Life. 

Was it a long 2 months? Uhmyes.

Hey there, Sailor :)

Waiting on our Chicago pizza! It COMPLETELY lived up to the hype!
It was one of the most wonderfully wonderful amazing fabulous weekends of my existence. I have missed him more than I even thought possible, but I am so unbelievably proud of him! I know this isn't a normal craft-y post, but this handsome man is one of my biggest fans and sources of encouragement when it comes to the things I make. I love you, darling :)


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sweater to Cardigan DIY

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase those items through my links I earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. Plus, when you order through my link, it helps me stumble along in this bloggy blog world! I appreciate your support! My husband who has to put up with my craft supply obsession does too :D All opinions expressed are my own, and I am not sponsored by any product manufacturer unless otherwise stated :)


I have seen the sweater-to-cardi tutorial (in various forms) floating about on the interwebz, so I thought that I'd give it a try! (WARNING. ALL OF THESE PICTURES OF ME LOOK LIKE DEATH. Forget the 'warmed over'...just death o.O)

I picked up this too-big sweater from the thrift store today because I liked the print, I thought it was quite delightful!

1. I laid out mah sweater. On the ground, like the hipster craftswomen I think I am. 

2. Cut a straight line down the middle. Or up the middle. Whichever you prefers ;)

3. Bias tape. Get some of that stuff. 

4. Cut 2 pieces the same length as the front of your sweater, WITH EXTRA LEFT OVER. Maybe 2-3 extry inches or so. 

5. Lay your bias tape, right sides together with the front of your sweater, along your cut line. Sew along your bias tape edge. 

6. Then, flip over your tape to the WRONG side of the fabric, pin, and sew along the edge of your tape. Again :)

7. (optional) I hemmed the sleeves shorter, because I have persnickety wrists. I don't know...its just a thing with me...I know...its weird...ehhh.
8. (also optional, but totally more fun if you do it!) EMBELLISH THAT PUPPY. You can add buttons, pockets, lace for the collar, anything, really! Add some of your own personal pizzazz!
9. OHHH. AND. I took in the side seams a bit, because I like mine more fitted.

Here is mine. I think I will go back and add buttons later, but the main embellishing I did was make pockets out of the leftover material I cut from shortening the sleeves. NEVER THROW AWAY ANYTHING. YOU MIGHT NEED IT SOMEDAY.  Ahem. :D

This is really a great beginner project, I think! Just grab an old sweater and some bias tape, and you are basically home free! Its mainly hemming, and who doesn't LOVE to hem, right? Right...? RIGHHHTT?? Sorry. o.O

If you make one, I'd Love to see it!! Go! YOU! Go get a sweater, RIGHT NOW. You can do this!! DO IT!!!

Thanks so much you guys!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Of Half-Birthdays and Such!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase those items through my links I earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. Plus, when you order through my link, it helps me stumble along in this bloggy blog world! I appreciate your support! My husband who has to put up with my craft supply obsession does too :D All opinions expressed are my own, and I am not sponsored by any product manufacturer unless otherwise stated :)


D'you know what I think this life needs more of? CELEBRATIONS. But not the usual, 'Oh yeah its your birthday, have a cake,' celebrations; the ones that everyone expects. Oh no. I'm talkin' the out of the blue, no one saw it coming, just because celebrations! THE BEST kind! 

So what kind, exactly, you ask? ANY KIND. You are only limited by your own imagination! My personal favorite, though, is the Half Birthday kind! Why? Because EVERYONE has a half-birthday, but hardly anyone knows, much less thinks about when theirs is! And everyone likes an excuse for a party, right??! IDO. 

I am posting this in honor of the single most beautiful and fan-flippin-tastic person I know; my best friend Rebecca :) 

She is, without a doubt, bar none, the most genuine, kind, lovely, and patient person I know. We met in high school and she has made my life so full and rich and laughter-y and wonderful. I know everyone says they know someone who is beautiful inside and out, but, cliche or no, this girl fits that description perfectly. I love her dearly, and she's that one person I absolutely LOVE surprising and doing random (if somewhat bizarre) things for, and, TODAY was her half-birthday! So I made her a half-birthday CAKE!

I surprised her at her haircutting appointment because I am kinda pro at the creepy stalker thing ^.^ Anyway, it was really no more than an excuse to get to see her, but it was fun regardless. Do you have kids? I would be willing to bet all kinds of money that you would go down in history as 'Way Super Rad Cool Mom' if they got to go to school and tell their friends alllll about how THEIR mom let them celebrate not one, but TWO birthdays in a year!

You could even plan a party! 

-Ask all the guests to wear half one color and half another

-Only serve halves of food (half cupcakes, hotdogs, cups of juice, and so forth)

-Start on a half hour time!

-And etc and so forth!

Don't know your half birthday? I used this nifty tool to figure out Rebecca' just enter your birthday and it spits out your half one ;)

She's wonderful :)
Seriously, nothing can make someone's day (no matter how old or young!) like someone they know recognizing even the most seemingly inconsequential things about them and turning it into a big deal. Everyone is wonderful, and everyone deserves a little partyin' just 'cause now and then :)


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase those items through my links I earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. Plus, when you order through my link, it helps me stumble along in this bloggy blog world! I appreciate your support! My husband who has to put up with my craft supply obsession does too :D All opinions expressed are my own, and I am not sponsored by any product manufacturer unless otherwise stated :)


Alright you guys. I'm coming clean.

I, Jordan, am a delightfully addicted comic book nerd.

We're not talking, 'Oh I like to watch Spiderman sometimes' nerd. Its more of a sitting-in-the-movie-theater-and-yelling-at-the-screen-when-they-leave-out-important-facets-of-random-superheroes-that-no-one-else-has-any-idea-about.

I love Marvel comics, and after X-Men, the Avengers are definitely my favorite. Sooo I decided to show my Tony Stark love at the premiere this Friday with my very own Iron Woman Tee! (Even though Ant-man and the Wasp didn't warrant an appearance in the movie, EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE AVENGERS TOO)


I know what you are thinking. And YESITDOESLIGHTUP!!! What good is a non-lit Arc Reactor, I say!?



I picked up a red and a yellow t shirt from Hobby Lobby today, and a four pack of those 'tap lights' that are battery powered and you can hang them up in closets and so forth. I sketched out several armor designs, as there are several different suit designs, and then just top stitched the details. TOP STITCHING JERSEY IS NOT NICE. NOT NICE AT ALL. 

These were a few of my sketchies in progressies. He has had SO MANY SUIT DESIGNS it was hard to pick just one! I finally settled on the last one, as it was just detailed enough to serve my purposes :)

And here is me with my brother!

I am actually pretty stoked about how it came out! I didn't think to use interfacing behind my stitching until halfway through, and the seams are kinda whack, but I am still excited about wearing it!!!

Thanks you guys!